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The Mercury Signs and Social Media


You have a smattering of accounts all across social media, but you're more likely to ask someone if they "got KIK" than actually commit to any one media profile.


You don't really do social media, but if someone wants to know what you're thinking, they're welcome to check your Netflix account or "listened to" history on Spotify.


Twitter. Short, sweet, and to the point...although it rarely stops you from posting rants that end with "1/128", despite the character count.


People always assume you'll like Pinterest, but you find it too cliquey. You're a Facebook person at heart--you love tagging your friends in things.


Instagram, because no other social media platform allows for constant selfies taken at a 3/4 angle where the light hits your cheekbones just right.


You are the one who likes Pinterest. All those little folders for organizing your thoughts. What could be easier?


You're on all of them--you love to hear yourself talk--and every couple of years, you rehaul your "brand" because it's started to embarrass you.


YikYak, until they started making people attach indenties to their posts. Now you use Whisper, and then when Whisper loses its anonymity you'll move onto the next thing. You don't like people knowing about you if it's not necessary.


Snapchat, because you get distracted easily and you like to overuse geo-tagging.


You are definitively Not A Social Media Person. Does Reddit count?


Used to be Tumblr, but you got too cool for it. You probably spent some time on Peach before it got mainstream; now you use smoke signals for text posts and cave paintings for selfies.


Unlike Aquarius, you have not outgrown Tumblr and happen to think it's neat. Where else can you consume a nigh-constant stream of mermaid hair, Frappucinos, and poetry quotes?

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